OnlineHSPg 2
Frequently Asked Questions
What are online courses?
Our online courses bring you high school classes via the Internet. Students need only a modern computer and reliable internet access to access assignments, lecture notes, class discussions, and exams.

How does a high school student enroll in the Online Program?
Just visit your home school guidance counselor to discuss your interest in our Online Program. Your counselor will then assess your needs and suitability for taking courses online. If appropriate, the counselor will complete the registration process.

What types of students are successful in online programs?
  • Self-motivated students
  • Students that demonstrate strong time management skills
  • Students that are interested in achieving a successful academic career
  • Students with access to a computer and an internet connection
  • Students with time in their schedule
  • Students that work well independently
  • Students that are able to understand expectations and meet them
  • Students with a strong support system at school and at home
  • If the student has an IEP the online course and home school must also accommodate the specific needs of the student as stated in the IEP.
If you have concerns regarding a potential student, please reach out to us to discuss the situation.

How does an online course differ from a traditional course?
Online courses and traditional courses cover the same content; the only difference is the method of delivery. Course lengths are identical. Full-year, one-credit courses take a full year to complete and half-credit courses take a half year to complete.

What types of courses are offered through the Online Program?
A full range of traditional courses, as well as Advanced Placement courses, credit recovery and elective classes are offered online. You can view a list of available courses online by clicking on the course offering link at the top of the page.

Are credits issued through the Online Program?
Course credit is issued only by the home school. Credit determination is the prerogative of the home school.

How do students receive grades?
Grade reports are issued to the home school report card with anecdotal comments. Interim reports are used to document student progress and are sent out at the mid-point of each marking period. Interim reports are sent to the partnering schools. Each school can access the student's grades at any time. These virtual grade books are strictly confidential.

Can lessons be repeated during the course?
Yes. Students may repeat any part of the course as many times as necessary.

What if a student has questions?
Students should send a message to their instructor and the administrator through the class internal messaging system. The instructor will respond. In most cases, teachers will respond within 24 hours. Students should refer to other resources and continue working in their class while they wait for the teacher to respond.

Are there any out-of-pocket costs to students?
No. Students need to have access to the internet through the home school, public access point such as the local or school library, or their own computer. Advanced Placement course require additional materials at the cost of the school or student.

Is technical support available?
By e-mail:
By telephone: 1-888-972-6237